Monday 27 April 2009

Ok here go's. This is just notes on my training. It anyone bumps into this I am a Gracie Barra purple belt under Braulio Estima and wanted to be able to refer back to my training, and keep a log of my aims. I am kind of at the point where dealing with specific techniques as such is not really what I am after now, it is now integrating all the info in my head into a continuous flow of motion and also adding elements to my game that are not well rounded at the moment.

My BJJ is split into four sections.

  1. My competition A game.
  2. My rolling with people I don't know game.
  3. My rolling and with people I train with regularly.
  4. stuff I think will fit into my game.

The general idea is to move techniques up this list, Also there are areas that are weak that need to be addressed. The problem is you can work on one area exclusively to improve it, but other parts of your game will suffer. It's a bit like spinning plates you get one going really well then two fall off.

So right now, my passing is weak with not enough pressure being applied in the right places. I do get caught caught with chokes whilst passing. I have to start trying to think about the sweep more whilst playing open guard and not just defending the pass. I still hit a brick wall when I am in front of my opponent when he is turtled.

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